eye.helpers.lexercolor module

Color scheme application

This plugin allows to load color scheme definition from a file and apply them to editor and syntax coloring.

Color scheme format

Color scheme files are in INI format (as read by configparser). A scheme file sets style attributes for multiples lexers and such descriptions can be applied to an editor.


A color scheme file consist in one or more INI sections, each corresponding to a lexer. The special section * applies to all lexers. When applying a color scheme to an editor, the * section is applied first if it exists, then the section for the lexer of the editor is applied, if it exists and if the editor has a lexer.


Within a section, there are multiple entries in the form: item_kind.item_name.style_property = style_value.

The item_kind.item_name part specifies for which items of the lexer it should apply, for example: the “keyword” token, the “search” indicator, or simply the caret style.

The style_property indicates what attribute should be set, for example: the font size, the background color.

Finally, the style_value is the value the style_property should be set to, for example: a color, a size, a font name.

Item types

Editor properties

If item_kind is base, item_name can be:

  • text: applies to normal text

  • selection’: applies to selected text

  • whitespace

  • caret: applies to caret, for foreground, or whole line under cursor, for background (if set visible)

  • hotspot

  • matchedbrace: for a brace under cursor, which has a corresponding matching brace

  • unmatchedbrace: for a brace under cursor, which doesn’t have a corresponding matching brace

  • margin: for the margin column

The valid style_property are foreground, background, font, points, bold, italic, underline.


If item_kind is token, item_name is the token name, which corresponds to one style in QsciLexer.

The token name * is special: it matches all tokens, and is applied first, so it can be overwritten by more specific color scheme entries.

The valid style_property are foreground, background, font, points, bold, italic, underline.


If item_kind is style, item_name is the style name, as registered in eye.helpers.styles module.

The valid style_property are foreground, background, font, points, bold, italic, underline and eolfill.


If item_kind is indicator, item_name is the indicator name (see eye.widgets.editor.Editor.indicators)

The valid style_property are: foreground, background and style.

Property types

  • foreground (or fg, or color) specifies the text color

  • background (or bg) specifies the background color

  • font specifies the font family (font name)

  • points specifies the font size in points

  • bold specifies whether the font is bold

  • italic specifies whether the font is italic

  • underline specifies whether the font is underline

  • eolfill specifies whether the background color applies to the rest of the line, after last character

  • style specifies which indicator style should be used, e.g. StraightBoxIndicator

Module contents

eye.helpers.lexercolor.add_scheme_file(path, apply_to_all=True)[source]

Load a color scheme file

Unlike use_scheme_file, it does not reset the current color scheme but adds new definitions. If a previous scheme file had some definitions which are redefined in the new scheme, they are replaced by the new one.

  • path – color scheme file

  • apply_to_all – if True, apply to existing editor widgets

eye.helpers.lexercolor.apply_scheme_dict_to_editor(dct, editor)[source]

This handler is disabled by default.

This handler is registered as setup for categories ['editor'].

eye.helpers.lexercolor.apply_scheme_on_lexer_change(editor, lexer)[source]

This handler is disabled by default.

This handler is registered for categories ['editor'] on signal lexer_changed.

eye.helpers.lexercolor.apply_scheme_to_editor(parser, editor)[source]
eye.helpers.lexercolor.lexer_set_font_family(lexer, family, style=-1)[source]

Set the font family of a lexer

Set just the font family for style of lexer. Like QsciLexer.setFont, but only change the font family, not font size or weight.

  • lexer (QsciLexer) – the lexer to change

  • family – font family to use

  • style – if negative, modifies all styles of lexer

eye.helpers.lexercolor.lexer_set_font_point_size(lexer, size, style=-1)[source]

Set the font size of a lexer

Set just the font size for style of lexer. Like QsciLexer.setFont, but only change the font size, not font family or weight.

  • lexer (QsciLexer) – the lexer to change

  • size – font size to use (in points)

  • style – if negative, modifies all styles of lexer


Enabled/disable automatic color scheme application to editors

eye.helpers.lexercolor.use_scheme_file(path, apply_to_all=True)[source]

Use a color scheme file

Reset current color scheme and load a new scheme file.

  • path – color scheme file

  • applyToAll – if True, apply to existing editor widgets