eye.helpers.styles module

Helpers for QsciStyle

QsciStyle objects have numeric identifiers, in a limited number. This module holds a dictionary for storing QsciStyle and map them to text identifiers.

This allows multiple modules to coordinate by using the same textual key and let user configuration to choose how this style should be displayed.

For example, a helper module could run:

editor.annotate(1, 'Hello world!', eye.helpers.style.STYLES['hello'])

And a user configuration file could contain:

eye.helpers.styles.STYLES = <eye.helpers.styles.Styles object>

Dict-like for storing QsciStyle objects.

Deleting an item from this mark the id used by the associated QsciStyle as free. When a new key is inserted, ids marked as free will be reused first before letting QScintilla find a free id.