eye.colorutils module

Utils for colors

class eye.colorutils.QColor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Mock


Build a QColor with alpha in one call

This function allows to create a QColor and set its alpha channel value in a single call.

If one argument is provided and it is a string parsable as hex, it is parsed as #RRGGBBAA. Else, the single argument is passed to QColor and thus alpha is 255. Examples:

QColorAlpha(Qt.red) # equivalent to QColor(Qt.red)
QColorAlpha('#ff0000') # same as previous
QColorAlpha('#ff00007f') # semi-transparent red

If two arguments are passed, the first is passed to QColor and the second is the alpha channel (int from 0 to 255):

QColorAlpha(Qt.red, 127) # semi-transparent red

If there are more arguments, they are passed to QColor:

QColorAlpha(255, 0, 0) # opaque red
QColorAlpha(255, 0, 0, 127) # semi-transparent red