Source code for eye.widgets.splitter

# this project is licensed under the WTFPLv2, see COPYING.txt for details

"""Multi-splitter widget

The multi-splitter widget allows to have complex splitting layouts, with arbitrary levels of horizontal/vertical
splits. For example, it's possible to have editors layed out this way in a window::

	|  |    |    |
	+--+----+    |
	|       |    |
	|       +----+
	|       |    |

Each split may contain a :any:`eye.widgets.tabs.TabWidget`, containing a single or multiple tabs.

import logging

from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPoint, QRect, QTimer
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QSplitter, QWidget, QStackedLayout

from eye import consts
from eye.qt import Slot, override
from eye.widgets.helpers import WidgetMixin

__all__ = ('SplitManager', 'Splitter', 'QSplitter')

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Splitter(QSplitter, WidgetMixin): """Splitter widget for a single splitting level `Splitter` objects are handled by the :any:`SplitManager` widget. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.add_category('splitter')
[docs] def child_at(self, pos): """Return direct child widget at the given position The returned child will be a direct child of `self`. If the real widget at `pos` is in a sub-Splitter, only the sub-Splitter which is a direct child of `self` will be returned. :type pos: QPoint :param pos: relative to the top-left corner of this `Splitter` (which is at `(0, 0)`). :return: the direct child at `pos`, a :any:`Py_qt5.Qt_widgets.QSplitter_handle` if `pos` is on a handle, or None if `pos` is outside `self`'s geometry :rtype: QWidget """ if not self.rect().contains(pos): return None for i in range(self.count()): for w in (self.widget(i), self.handle(i)): if w.geometry().contains(pos): return w
[docs] def parent_manager(self): """Returns the :any:`Split_manager` managing this splitter :rtype: SplitManager """ w = self.parent() while not isinstance(w, SplitManager): w = w.parent() return w
[docs] def widgets(self): """Return all direct children widgets Children returned by this method may be `Splitter` widgets if there are sub-splitters. :rtype: list """ return [self.widget(i) for i in range(self.count())]
children = widgets
[docs] def remove_child(self, widget): assert self.isAncestorOf(widget) assert self is not widget widget.setParent(None)
[docs] def replace_child(self, child, new): assert child is not new assert self is not child assert self is not new assert self.isAncestorOf(child) idx = self.indexOf(child) child.setParent(None) self.insertWidget(idx, new)
[docs] class SplitManager(QWidget, WidgetMixin): """Split manager widget This widget allows to do multiple levels of splitter without having to manage the levels by hand. Instances of this class have the `"splitmanager"` category by default. """ SplitterClass = Splitter def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.root = self.SplitterClass(orientation=Qt.Horizontal) layout = QStackedLayout() self.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(self.root) self.optimize_timer = QTimer() self.optimize_timer.setInterval(0) self.optimize_timer.setSingleShot(True) self.optimize_timer.timeout.connect(self._optimize) self.add_category('splitmanager') # TODO check if it can be integrated synchronously in calls @Slot() def _optimize(self): splitters = [self.root] i = 0 while i < len(splitters): spl = splitters[i] splitters.extend(c for c in spl.children() if isinstance(c, QSplitter)) i += 1 splitters.pop(0) splitters.reverse() for spl in splitters: parent = spl.parent() if parent is None: continue if spl.count() == 0: LOGGER.debug('optimizer remove empty %s', spl) parent.remove_child(spl) elif spl.count() == 1: child = next(iter(spl.children())) LOGGER.debug('replace %s by only child %s', spl, child) parent.replace_child(spl, child) ## split/move/delete
[docs] def split_at(self, current_widget, direction, new_widget): """Insert a widget into the splits `new_widget` is inserted next to `current_widget`, in `direction`. `current_widget` size is halved, and the newly created space is used for `new_widget`. A new `Splitter` may be created if `current_widget` is not in a `Splitter` of the proper orientation. For example, if `current_widget` is in horizontal splitter, but `new_widget` should be inserted below, a new vertical splitter replaces `current_widget` and both `current_widget` and `new_widget` are put in it. :param current_widget: the widget next to which insert a new widget :param direction: direction relative to `current_widget` where to insert `new_widget`. Possible values are the 4 directions from :any:`eye.consts`. :param new_widget: the widget to insert """ if current_widget is None: parent = self.root idx = 0 else: assert self.isAncestorOf(current_widget) parent = current_widget.parent() idx = parent.indexOf(current_widget) orientation = consts.ORIENTATIONS[direction] if parent.orientation() == orientation: oldsize = parent.sizes() if oldsize: oldsize[idx] //= 2 oldsize.insert(idx, oldsize[idx]) if direction in (consts.DOWN, consts.RIGHT): idx += 1 LOGGER.debug('inserting %r at %r in %r in the same orientation', new_widget, idx, parent) parent.insertWidget(idx, new_widget) if oldsize: parent.setSizes(oldsize) else: # current_widget is moved, so it may lose focus refocus = current_widget and current_widget.hasFocus() new_split = self.SplitterClass(orientation=orientation) LOGGER.debug('inserting %r in new splitter %r at %r of %r in different orientation', new_widget, new_split, idx, parent) if current_widget: # save/restore size because Qt goes crazy when moving splitter widgets around oldsize = parent.sizes() if direction in (consts.DOWN, consts.RIGHT): new_split.addWidget(current_widget) parent.insertWidget(idx, new_split) new_split.addWidget(new_widget) else: new_split.addWidget(new_widget) parent.insertWidget(idx, new_split) new_split.addWidget(current_widget) parent.setSizes(oldsize) new_split.setSizes([1, 1]) # force Qt to rebalance it else: new_split.addWidget(new_widget) parent.insertWidget(idx, new_split) if refocus: current_widget.setFocus()
[docs] def move_widget(self, current_widget, direction, new_widget): """Move a child widget in another part of the splitting `current_widget`, `direction` and `new_widget` have the same meaning as for the `split_at` method, except that `new_widget` must be already present in the `SplitManager`. """ if current_widget is new_widget:'will not move %r over itself', current_widget) return self.remove_widget(new_widget) self.split_at(current_widget, direction, new_widget) self.optimize_timer.start()
[docs] def remove_widget(self, widget): if not self.isAncestorOf(widget):"cannot remove widget %r since it doesn't belong to %r", widget, self) return spl, _ = self.child_id(widget) spl.remove_child(widget) self.optimize_timer.start()
## balance
[docs] @Slot() def balance_splits_recursive(self, start_at=None): for w in self._iter_recursive(start_at): if isinstance(w, self.SplitterClass): self.balance_splits(w)
[docs] def balance_splits(self, spl): spl.setSizes([1] * spl.count()) # qt redistributes space
## neighbours def _neighbour_up(self, widget, direction): if widget is None or widget is self.root: return None spl, idx = self.child_id(widget) orientation = consts.ORIENTATIONS[direction] new_idx = idx + consts.MOVES[direction] if spl.orientation() != orientation or not (0 <= new_idx < spl.count()): return self._neighbour_up(spl, direction) return spl.widget(new_idx) def _neighbour_down(self, spl, direction, pos): orientation = consts.ORIENTATIONS[direction] if spl.orientation() == orientation: if direction in (consts.DOWN, consts.RIGHT): child = spl.widget(0) else: child = spl.widget(spl.count() - 1) else: for child in spl.children(): if spl.orientation() == Qt.Vertical: end = QPoint(0, child.height()) if child.mapTo(self, end).y() >= pos.y(): break else: end = QPoint(child.width(), 0) if child.mapTo(self, end).x() >= pos.x(): break else: return if isinstance(child, QSplitter): return self._neighbour_down(child, direction, pos) else: return child
[docs] def neighbour(self, widget, direction): res = self._neighbour_up(widget, direction) LOGGER.debug('neighbour_up %r of %r: %r', direction, widget, res) if not isinstance(res, QSplitter): return res wcenter = widget.rect().center() pos = widget.mapTo(self, wcenter) res = self._neighbour_down(res, direction, pos) LOGGER.debug('neighbour_down %r of %r: %r', direction, widget, res) return res
## getters
[docs] def all_children(self): """Get all non-splitter children widgets (recursive) Takes all children :any:`eye.widgets.splitter.Splitter` widgets (recursively) and return their direct children (the children that are not `Splitter` themselves). :rtype: list """ return [w for w in self._iter_recursive() if not isinstance(w, self.SplitterClass)]
[docs] def child_rect(self, widget): return QRect(widget.mapTo(self, QPoint()), widget.size())
[docs] def child_id(self, widget): spl = widget.parent() while not isinstance(spl, QSplitter): spl = spl.parent() return (spl, spl.indexOf(widget))
[docs] def deep_child_at(self, pos): """Get the non-splitter widget at `pos` :param pos: the point where to look a widget, in coordinates relative to top-left corner of this `SplitManager` :type pos: QPoint :return: the first child at position `pos` that is not a splitter, unlike :any:`Splitter.child_at`. :rtype: QWidget """ widget = self.root while isinstance(widget, QSplitter): widget = widget.childAt(widget.mapFrom(self, pos)) return widget
def _iter_recursive(self, start_at=None): if start_at is None: start_at = self.root splitters = [start_at] yield start_at while splitters: spl = splitters.pop() for i in range(spl.count()): w = spl.widget(i) if isinstance(w, self.SplitterClass): splitters.append(w) yield w ## close management
[docs] @override def closeEvent(self, ev): for c in self.all_children(): if not c.close(): ev.ignore() return ev.accept()
[docs] def can_close(self): """Returns True if all sub-widgets can be closed.""" return all(w.can_close() for w in self.all_children())
def dump_splitter(splitter, indent=''): print('%s%s %s' % (indent, splitter, splitter.sizes())) indent += ' ' for i in range(splitter.count()): child = splitter.widget(i) if isinstance(child, QSplitter): dump_splitter(child, indent) else: print('%s%s' % (indent, child))