Source code for eye.helpers.nav_history

# this project is licensed under the WTFPLv2, see COPYING.txt for details

"""Module for going back/forward in editors

This module allows recording history of cursor positions when switching to another file or jumping
to a function definition for example. Then, navigation can go back and forth between these
positions like a browser.

from logging import getLogger
from weakref import ref

from PyQt5.QtCore import QEvent, Qt, QObject

from import qApp
from eye.connector import register_signal, disabled, register_setup

__all__ = (
	'push_history', 'go_back', 'go_forward', 'peek_history',
	'push_history_on_editor_change', 'push_history_on_jump',
	'navigate_with_mouse_back', 'set_enabled',

LOGGER = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def push_history(editor, line, col): """Add an entry in history Calling this function pushes an entry on top of the backward history (which is a stack) and erases forward history. """ LOGGER.debug('pushing entry') BACKWARD.append((ref(editor), line, col)) del FORWARD[:]
[docs] def go_back(): """Go back in editor position history""" global POPPING current = qApp().last_window.current_buffer() try: rneweditor, newline, newcol = BACKWARD.pop() except IndexError: LOGGER.debug('cannot go back, stack is empty') return False editor = rneweditor() if not editor: LOGGER.debug('skipping entry, editor was closed') return go_back() POPPING = (rneweditor, newline, newcol) FORWARD.append(make_entry(current)) LOGGER.debug('going back') editor.setCursorPosition(newline, newcol) editor.give_focus() return True
[docs] def go_forward(): """Go forward in editor position history""" global POPPING try: rneweditor, newline, newcol = FORWARD.pop() except IndexError: LOGGER.debug('cannot go forward, stack is empty') return False editor = rneweditor() if not editor: LOGGER.debug('skipping entry, editor was closed') return go_forward() POPPING = (rneweditor, newline, newcol) BACKWARD.append(make_entry(qApp().last_window.current_buffer())) LOGGER.debug('going forward') editor.setCursorPosition(newline, newcol) editor.give_focus() return True
[docs] def peek_history(): """Get the backward history entry that could be navigated Does not perform any navigation, it just returns a 3-tuple containing the :any:`eye.widgets.editor.Editor` widget, the line number and column number. :returns: the entry to go back or None if there is no history :rtype: tuple[Editor, int, int] or None """ if BACKWARD: reditor, line, col = BACKWARD[-1] editor = reditor() if editor: return editor, line, col else: BACKWARD.pop() return peek_history()
[docs] @register_signal('editor', 'cursorPositionChanged') @disabled def push_history_on_editor_change(editor, line, col): """Push a history entry when moving cursor to another editor and position. """ try: heditor, _, __ = FORWARD[-1] except IndexError: pass else: if editor is heditor(): return try: heditor, _, __ = BACKWARD[-1] except IndexError: pass else: if editor is heditor(): return try: heditor, hline, hcol = POPPING except ValueError: pass else: if editor is heditor() and line == hline and col == hcol: return push_history(editor, line, col)
[docs] @register_signal('editor', 'position_jumped') @disabled def push_history_on_jump(editor, line, col): push_history(editor, line, col)
def make_entry(editor): """Returns a tuple suitable for putting in the history stack""" line, col = editor.cursor_position() return (ref(editor), line, col) class MouseNavFilter(QObject): def eventFilter(self, ed, ev): if ev.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress: if ev.buttons() == Qt.BackButton: go_back() elif ev.buttons() == Qt.ForwardButton: go_forward() return False
[docs] def set_enabled(enabled): """ Toggles :any:`push_history_on_editor_change`, :any:`push_history_on_jump` and :any:`navigate_with_mouse_back`. """ push_history_on_editor_change.enabled = enabled push_history_on_jump.enabled = enabled navigate_with_mouse_back.enabled = enabled