Source code for

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"""Builder processes helpers

This module adds helpers for builders, programs which process source code and build a program out of it or simply
check syntax, etc.

import logging
import os
import re
import shlex

from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject

from eye.connector import CategoryMixin
from eye.pathutils import get_relative_path_in
from eye.procutils import LineProcess
from eye.qt import Signal, Slot

__all__ = (
	'Builder', 'register_plugin', 'SimpleBuilder',

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DATA_LOGGER = LOGGER.getChild('simplebuilder')

[docs] class Builder(QObject, CategoryMixin): """Abstract builder class Subclasses should reimplement :any:`run` and :any:`columns`. They can reimplement :any:`interrupt` and should emit various signals. """ warning_printed = Signal(dict) """Signal warning_printed(info) :param info: warning output by the builder :type info: dict This signal is emitted when a warning occurs. The dict argument contains info about the warning. The keys can be arbitrary and everything is optional, but the common keys are `"path"`, `"line"`, `"col"`, `"message"`. """ error_printed = Signal(dict) """Signal error_printed(info) :param info: error output by the builder :type info: dict This signal is emitted when an error occurs. See :any:`warning_printed` about the dict argument. """ started = Signal() """Signal started() This signal is emitted when the builder starts running. """ finished = Signal(int) """Signal finished(code) :param code: the exit code of the builder :type code: int This signal is emitted when the build finishes running, and the overall return code is the argument. By convention, a 0 code means successful end, while 1 and other values mean an error occured or at least warnings. """ progress = Signal(int) """Signal progress(int) This signal is emitted from time to time to indicate building progress. Some builders may not emit it at all. The argument is a percentage of the progress. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ :param parent: if not given, a default parent is used (a default :any:`JobHolder` instance) """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if 'parent' not in kwargs: DEFAULT_HOLDER.add_job(self) self.add_category('builder')
[docs] def columns(self): """Return the list of columns supported by this builder type The columns are the keys of the dict emitted in :any:`warningPrinted` and :any:`errorPrinted`. This method should be reimplemented in `Builder` subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def interrupt(self): """Stop the builder process The default implementation does nothing. """ pass
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """Start the builder process This method should be reimplemented in `Builder` subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def working_directory(self): pass
[docs] def register_plugin(cls): PLUGINS[] = cls return cls
[docs] @register_plugin class SimpleBuilder(Builder): """Simple builder suitable for gcc-like programs This builder is suitable for programs outputting lines in the format specified by `pattern` attribute. Lines not matching this pattern are simply discarded (but the column is optional). The default pattern looks like `"<path>:<line>:<col>: <message>"`. """ pattern = r'^(?P<path>[^:]+):(?P<line>\d+):(?:(?P<col>\d+):)? (?P<message>.*)$' pattern_flags = 0 id = 'command' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.reobj = re.compile(self.pattern, self.pattern_flags) self.proc = LineProcess() self.proc.stdout_line_read.connect(self.gotLine) self.proc.stderr_line_read.connect(self.gotLine) self.proc.finished.connect(self.finished) self.proc.started.connect(self.started)
[docs] def columns(self): return ('path', 'line', 'message')
[docs] @Slot(str) def gotLine(self, line):'%r', line) mtc = self.reobj.match(line) if not mtc:'%r received non-matching line %r', self, line) return LOGGER.debug('%r received matching line %r', self, line) signal = self.warning_printed obj = mtc.groupdict() obj['line'] = int(obj['line']) if obj.get('col'): obj['col'] = int(obj['col']) msg = obj.get('message') if msg: msg = msg.strip() if msg.startswith('warning: '): msg = msg.replace('warning: ', '', 1) elif msg.startswith('error: '): signal = self.error_printed msg = msg.replace('error: ', '', 1) elif msg.startswith('note: '):'%r ignored note line %r', self, line) return obj['message'] = msg rootpath = self.proc.workingDirectory() # make path absolute and shortpath relative obj['path'] = os.path.join(rootpath, obj['path']) obj['shortpath'] = get_relative_path_in(obj['path'], rootpath) or obj['path'] signal.emit(obj)
[docs] def interrupt(self): self.proc.stop()
[docs] def set_working_directory(self, path): self.proc.setWorkingDirectory(path)
[docs] def working_directory(self): return self.proc.workingDirectory()
[docs] def run(self, cmd): """Run `cmd` as builder command :type cmd: list This method should be called by subclasses in :any:`run`. """ self.proc.start(cmd[0], cmd[1:])
[docs] def run_conf(self, command, dir, file): vars = dict(dir=dir, file=file) args = shlex.split(command) args = [arg.format(**vars) for arg in args] self.proc.setWorkingDirectory(dir)
class PyFlakes(SimpleBuilder): def run(self, path): super().run(['pyflakes', path])
[docs] class JobHolder(QObject):
[docs] def add_job(self, job): """Re-parents the job to self and un-parent when job is finished. `addJob` should be called before the job is started, to avoid the possibility of the job being finished before `addJob` has done what it should do. The job is re-parented so a reference is kept. When the job is finished, it is un-parented, which may remove the last reference to it. The goal is that the `Builder` object may be garbage-collected once it has emitted its `finished` signal. To achieve this, the `JobHolder` must be the only one keeping a reference to the job object. :param job: job to hold :type job: :any:`` :returns: the `job` passed """ job.finished.connect(self._finished) job.setParent(self) return job
@Slot() def _finished(self): self.sender().setParent(None)